Photo Gallery: Some Past And Present Photos Of My N Scale Model Railroads

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Last Updated on 11 months ago by James from Model Railway Techniques



  1. Absolutely fantastic!  The pictures make me a bit sad.  My Dad and I collected and built an amazing train display in the basement of the house where I was raised.  We had an very old Lionel diesel and cars and a not so old steam engine on one level.  The diesel have 4 cars with tongues that connect to what my Dad called Trollies.  We had a huge higher platform with tracks running through a city, suburbs and forest.  it was HO scale.  Back in the day, I collect lots of different engines with gum band drive on the back wheels and then appropriate cars to go with them. Unfortunately, the set was given away when our family home was downsized without my knowing it.  I have never had the space to rebuild.  Your article has made me rethink that.

    1. That is a wonderful memory you shared Anastazja, thank you for leaving a comment. I truly hope you consider getting back into the hobby of Model Railroading. We have a lot of great articles coming up that I’m sure you will find helpful. Model Railroading is an amazing hobby and a great way to build lasting memories like you shared. Thank you again for visiting Model Railway Techniques.


  2. Thank you for your passion and attention to detail are evident in each photo, and it’s inspiring to see the level of creativity and craftsmanship that goes into building these miniature worlds.

    As someone who’s not particularly familiar with the model railway hobby, I found the article to be a fascinating introduction to the hobby. Your explanations of the different techniques used, such as ballasting and weathering, provided helpful insights into the process of building a model railway layout.

    how long it typically takes to complete a layout of this scale and complexity?

    1. Thank you, Maxon, I appreciate your comments. It really is different for everyone. The layout in the pictures with mountain scenery took about 3 years to get to that point. The other layout is a work in progress, and I have about 3 years into that one also. On average, I spend about 20 hours a week if I’m continually working on them. There are times when I just do a little here and there, or just run the trains themselves.


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