Below you will find a few examples of the different layout configurations possible with our Custom Benchwork made to your measurements, or our NTRAK Module Kits. The possibilities are endless given the almost infinite size range we offer you at our low prices. The shapes below are drawn to scale with each square representing one foot.
If you are looking for a design that may have to be dismantled and reassembled, then legs would be required at each section where it joins another, plus at the ends of the modules not connected to another. However, if you are building a more permanent Model Railway Layout, then our Staggered Joint Construction method, in conjunction with our Inboard Leg Placing Design, can be utilized to decrease the number of legs.
The captions below each picture give the maximum number of legs needed if you plan on disassembly, and the minimum needed if the layout is built permanently. Note that your actual layout dimensions may affect the number of legs needed. Also, the number of legs given are for free-standing layouts, if one or more sides are attached to a wall, generally the number of legs required would be half. For help on determining the number of legs needed based on your Model Railway size, email us at
The above are just a few examples of the possible configurations you could do, and the potential savings in both assembly time and money using Model Railroad Benchwork from Model Railway For more help in designing your Model Railroad benchwork, email us at and we will be happy to assist you.
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Last Updated on 3 months ago by James from Model Railway Techniques