Why Choose Model Railroad Benchwork Kits?

Custom HO Scale Benchwork
Custom HO Scale Model Railroad Benchwork for the Pennsylvania Middle Division in the customers layout room.
Custom HO Scale Benchwork
Custom HO Scale Model Railroad Benchwork for the Pennsylvania Middle Division in the customers layout room.
48″x96″ Model Railroad Table Kit
Completely Assembled L-Girder Style Legs
Our completely assembled L-girder style legs come with two diagonal braces each, and threaded steel inserts and leveling bolts standard.

Copyright 2025 The Model Railroad Benchwork Store/Model Railway Techniques.com All Rights Reserved

Last Updated on 9 months ago by James from Model Railway Techniques



  1. My name is Bill Lythgoe. My e mail address is wlythgoe@comcast.net. I am a member of the Richmond Freelance and Prototype model railroad club in Richmond, Virginia. I model in n scale and our sig is RANTrak. We have permanent layouts in our clubhouse, however we also model T Trak in N scale and travel to shows several times a year. My problem is traveling with the modules can be dangerous. Is there any product on the market that can hold several modules safely? I am considering building a cabinet that could hold 4 or more modules for storage as well as traveling, but I thought maybe there is something already available.

    Thank you for listening to my problem.
    Bill Lythgoe

    1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment Bill. To my knowledge there are no commercially available transport crates or boxes for T-TRAK Modules. We have thought about providing them, but due to the unlimited number of height clearance combinations, settling on a ‘standard’ would be difficult at best. Constructing a sturdy crate with shelf style supports for the individual modules would require 1/2″ plywood sides at minimum. Stacking 4 modules would take 16″ of vertical space, not accounting for any vertical scenic elements or buildings. The height could easily reach 40″. This brings the problem of shipping to light, since wide pieces, regardless of weight, command premium shipping prices from USPS, FedEx, and UPS. This would drive the price of the transport crates pretty high. If you have the tools and some decent carpentry knowledge, you could certainly build your own. That has the added advantage of being tailored to each individual module you own, to maximize your vertical space usage.
      Regards, James-owner, The Model Railroad Benchwork Store.

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