Thank you for your interest in becoming a Contributing Content Member for Model Railway There two different ways to contribute to our site as outlined below.
For purposes of this document, {you, your, yours, yourself, your own} refers to yourself and any materials submitted by you, and is identified as YOU, an individual. {ADMIN} refers to the owner of this site, Model Railway, and is identified as James McGown.
You may submit photos for consideration of adding to the site. Photos must be of your own Model Railroad, or Prototype photos of your own taking. Upon approval by the Admin, you agree that the use of these photos and their placement throughout the site is at the sole discretion of the Admin. (Exception: Photos provided by you as part of a content contribution, see below.)
The Admin reserves the right to redistribute these photos throughout the site as deemed necessary. This may include adding to the photo gallery, including in posts and articles to help with illustrating a point, use as an example, or provide general site content appeal.
The Admin also reserves the right to limit the use of number of photos submitted by you. If used within a post or article, photo credit will be given as: Contributing Member. The Admin agrees to not use your photos as part of a specific, descriptive how to article authored by the Admin.
Suitable Image Sizes:
All images should be maximum 1800 pixels X 900 pixels or 750 pixels X 750 pixels.
You can crop your originals to this size, but do not compress them per below. File type should be .JPEG or .JPG
Photos should be in original version, resized photos (i.e. compressed) will not work well.
To submit photos for consideration please email them to: Maximum email attachment size is 30GB you may attach via zip files if necessary. If you have any questions regarding the use of your photos, or photos that you submit that may be subject to copyright laws, please visit our copyright notice page or email us at the address above.
How to content contribution is highly regarded and valued. In an effort to provide the most detailed and quality content possible, Model Railway Techniques has come up with some basic content suggestions below.
All content submissions must be your own original work and must include photo content follow-alongs to illustrate your work. Please see above for suitable image requirements and also important copyright information.
We do not accept content of a biased nature, our website is designed to appeal to all Model Railroaders regardless of their own personal preferences, age, or skill level.
1. Your content should be laid out in an orderly and organized manner so it can easily be read and understood by everyone.
2. Your content should follow the basic principles of writing a paragraph, including a Title and Heading, followed by several paragraphs of Main Content, and a Summary or Conclusion. Other things to consider:
You may add several headings if you feel it will help the content matter make more sense.
You may want to consider including a list of materials and tools needed.
You may want to consider informing the reader of approximately how long it will take to complete this project or technique.
3. Make your content easy to read and understand. This is where the placement of visual aids in the form of photos comes into play, as you naturally give the reader a break from words and a chance to see what you are talking about. The photo content should be evenly distributed within your main content so the reader can see exactly what you are talking about and be able to follow along.
4. If you are contributing a general article, visual aids in the form of tables, graphs, etc. work well if appropriate. Those should be included within the body content immediately below or above your point of emphasis similar to photos per above. Again, this will ensure that the readers can understand what you are talking about as you make your key points.
There are many writing and insertion tools available here on the site that greatly speed the process of writing and inserting key elements such as visual aids or pictures, and we will utilize those to structure your content accordingly as long as you provide us with a good, comprehensible draft and tell us exactly where you need the visual aid inserted. For example, you can write some sentences, then on your text document you provide us (word works well) you can put a line like this: <insert pic 1 here> <insert pic 2 here> etcetera.
If you have nay questions, please email us at: and we will gladly reply back.
Last Updated on 4 months ago by James from Model Railway Techniques